Contributors’ Guidelines accurate as of 04/02/18. Guidelines can change without notice.
Guidelines are not a style guide; refer to the separate style guide.
Below are our expectations of contributors:
- Contributors must not expect to be paid. Our website does not make money and we will not pay for work.
- This is Flight usually expects material to be submitted within two weeks of an event having taken place. There is no obligation to provide material unless the contributor had a media pass, in which case they should commit themselves to submitting material.
- Contributors may be asked to undertake interviews and talk to air crew. We usually require interviews to be recorded on video. This makes them more versatile and easy to use at a later date.
- The editor may offer press passes to contributors, but accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused while attending or participating in any event. Attendance is entirely at the contributor’s own risk and of their own will, and is not on the instruction of the editor.
- Original photographs remain the photographer’s own property and they can use them as and when they like. They should not be watermarked when sent to This is Flight.
- Reporters must expect and allow for the editor to make reasonable changes to their work. The editor’s decision is final, and he can decline to post articles that are either substandard or do not meet TIF’s guidelines or formats.
- Reporters must notify the editor immediately if they cancel attendance at an event. Cancellations are strongly discouraged if media accreditation has been provided.
- Contributors are not employed by This is Flight, and cannot claim to represent it unless permission has explicitly been given by the editor.
- Submission of any material to the editor is taken as expressed permission to modify and redistribute said material on and through associated social media accounts¹.
- We expect all contributors to have a passion for aviation and airshows. As such, we expect them to be willing to conduct interviews and attend events whenever reasonably possible.
Similarly, we will operate by the following guidelines:
- This is Flight and its editors do not own any work you contribute and will credit it properly. Written and photographic work will be removed, within 24 hours if possible, upon request from the contributor (note: this does not apply to social media posts or some videos)¹. All content remains the property of its creator and can be used for any other means, on any other platform.
- No member of the editorial team will never take money for contributors’ work or give permission for others to use it without prior permission from the copyright holder. If we receive a request to use or purchase material, it will be forwarded directly to the contributor.
- The editor will assist in media accreditation for regular contributors when possible².
- The editor may repeatedly re-use contributors’ material on its website, YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter page unless the contributor states otherwise³.
- The editor will not continue to work with any contributor who causes us unreasonable or persistent inconvenience or whose work is consistently substandard.
- A password-protected Contributor’s Portal, including show briefings, guidelines, style guides, schedules and access to TIF email accounts will be available to all active reporters⁴.
¹ Articles and photographs on will be removed upon request from the copyright holder. YouTube videos made by a single individual can also be removed. This does not apply for social media posts or videos to which multiple individuals have contributed.
² We cannot guarantee accreditation. The event organiser’s decision is final. Responsibility for the application process will often lie with the reporter.
³ This could include the use of video clips in highlights videos or documentaries and the use of photographs in website headers, Facebook posts, articles and This is Flight promotional material.
⁴ The editor and webmasters are able to view all communications made through This is Flight email accounts.