Pioneer Team

The Pioneer Team are an Italian civilian aerobatic team flying four Pioneer 330s. They are said to be one of the most-travelled civilian aerobatic team in the world, having performed in at least 22 countries. The pilots are Corrado Rusalen (lead), Silvia Rappo (left wing), Marco Savini (right wing), Sandro Nicosanti (right wing) and Alberto Biagetti (slot).

While their aircraft is aerobatic, the Pioneer Team do not perform aerobatics in their display, flying a sequence of formation turns and wingovers. They display during the day with coloured smoke mounted under each wing and at sunset with pyrotechnics.

Active: 2005-present
Country: Italy Pioneer Team
Operator: Private
Size: 4 aircraft (4 in display)

Pioneer 330 (2005-present)

Official website
Official Facebook page
